Norma Nannini


Sadly we must add yet another obit to this webpage. It is for one of the longest-remaining Variety troopers, Norma Nannini, who passed away in New York on August 10th after a long illness. Norma had just turned 70.

Lyle Stuart


Lyle Stuart, born as Lionel Simon in Manhattan, probably the oldest surviving ex-mugg, died in Englewood, N.J. on June 24th, aged 83. Stuart served a stint on the old Variety in 1946 as a cub reporter. After leaving the company he published a book called “God Wears a Bowtie” a thinly-veiled novel which uses its author’s experiences on the paper as the armature for a first-person assault on Abel Green’s venality. At the time the book came out, it supposedly was read “under the desks” on West 46th Street.