Bette (Nelson Hoineff’s girlfriend), Frank Segers (Chicago), Nelson Hoineff (Rio correspondent), Samantha Stenzel (correspondent from Greece), Eric Mika (Rome), Bruce Alderman (Paris), Peter (Madrid), and in front row, John Willis (London).
Mike Evans (Los Angeles), Blake Murdoch (Sydney)
Paul Constable and Nim Jayasekere of Graffiti. Between them, Paris-based sales maven Stephan Glasgow.
Blake Murdoch and Richard Gold (New York)
John Willis (London), Hal Scott (LA) and Pam Silverman.
Bruce Alderman (Paris)
Ted Clark (Paris) and Evelyne Touron (Paris)
Unidentified, Bette, Bruce Alderman, Peter, Samantha Stenzen, Etic Mika et al.
Mark Silverman, Ted Clark, Hal Scott and Evelyne.
Hal Scott, (?), John Willis.
Hy Hollinger (LA), Peter, Frank Segers.
John Willis with two ladies.
Mark Silverman and Ted Clark.
Blake Murdoch
In the Sydney office of Variety. Blake, Mike Harris, David Stratton.
Blake in his office in Sydney.
David Stratton and Pat Libou.
Blake and Debbie Kruger.
Jane Ryan
David Stratton, Jane Ryan, Blake Murdoch and Debbie Kruger