Jan. 1, 2023
Yet another year has elapsed and we have managed to get 16 responses from the muggs, which is unfortunately down considerably from only a year ago. Have the “no shows” simply been too lazy to send a contribution? Have they shuffled off this mortal coil? Will one or two of them come in after deadline? Or maybe they have just changed their email addresses and are now lost in cyberspace.
Among this year’s “missing” are Alderman, Daley, Fainaru, Grantham, Evans, Kruger, Rosovsky, Stenzel and Willis. I mention only those who in recent years replied, not those “long since not replying”. Here, in the order in which they were received, are this year’s contributors:
Following is the list of this year’s contributors, in the order in which their submissions were received:
Croton-on–Hudson, Dec.20
Thanks for maintaining Simesite and keeping the flame alive.
I am reminded of our shared history whenever a film like this year’s Babylon does spinning Variety headlines to advance the story. And whenever I pass by the parking garage portal that used to be the front door to 154 W. 46th St. here in NYC. The Italian restaurant Syd used to like for lunch (La Strada) has been transformed into a tourist trap selling omelettes and bagels, and the little door off to the side where the old grampa sold stuffed mushroom caps for 25 or 50 cents is long forgotten.
I popped in and saw Frank Segers (Sege) in Tucson in April, when I was in the nabe. He has kept his boyish looks and charm, and we shook our heads in wonder, the way you’re supposed to.
I still review on WBGO radio Newark (www.wbgo.org to stream jazz and NPR news). You can press this link for a recent review of TÁR. And I made the scene at Cannes, Telluride, the NYFF and San Sebastian — here with Susan.

The rest of my news are my kids, Samson Jacobson, who was location manager and Elodie Jacobson, his sister, who served as location assistant on Maestro, the upcoming 2023 Bradley Cooper biopic of Leonard Bernstein. Sam has worked on some preemo NYC productions, Elodie returned to NYC from Telluride, where she served as the events manager of the film festival to work in NYC film and TV production. The baby, Blaise, is a clinical social worker in NYC, where she can see what is wrong with the rest of the fam. My wife, Susan, continues overseeing strategy at the Lustgarten Foundation, a pancreatic cancer research philanthropy funded by Madison Square Garden.
May you all be well and prosper during the coming year.
Sydney, Dec. 21
Nothing much new to report from me this year except that I’ve not been well and, sadly, have lost some of my eyesight. However I can still see movies and I’m still reviewing every week for The Australian — in fact, I haven’t missed a week in many years (I started with them in 1988).
My last book, My Favourite Movies, published this time last year, has done quite well and I’m now nearing completion on another, as yet untitled, about Australian feature films of the last 30 years (well, 1990-2020), It’s a follow-up to two books I previously wrote on Australian films of the 70s and 80s. I don’t have a publisher as yet, but Allen & Unwin, who published my last two books, have asked to see it when it’s completed.
Otherwise nothing to report.
Good to hear from you and to know that you’re still going strong.
Croton-on-Hudson, Dec. 21
Great to hear from you. Happy Holidays to you and yours, and thanks very much for keeping Simesite alive.
The year 2022 was interesting for us. After 33 years of house ownership in Briarcliff Manor, we downsized to a condo apt. in Croton-on-Hudson, about five miles north. Wonderful views of the Hudson River, two swimming pools, two hot tubs, tennis courts, etc. We are very happy here, and have met some really nice folks.
I am still freelancing, but Shelley is back working as a consultant for Wells Fargo, where she worked full-time until June 2021. She knows most of the people she’s working with now, and she’s getting paid (always a good thing).
On the travel front, our major trip this year was to New Zealand in November. Amazing place! Spectacular scenery (especially Doubtful Sound on the South Island, nice people, excellent food (especially the green-lipped mussels and golden kiwifruit), and surprisingly good weather (only two days of rain, both in Auckland at the start of the trip). In sum, a vacation to remember.
That’s all from this end. See all of you next year!
New York, Dec. 26
“Variety Memories”
Between 1974-1978, I remember going to the Rider College library every week to read the newest Variety newspaper. I ran the film series at Rider for 3 1/2 years, while doing my stand-up before all showings. My work study antics helped me pay for college, nothing back then. I did a paper on Variety for one of my senior year journalism courses, and had Mort Bryer’s name in my notes.
After John Lennon was murdered, I finished up my book, Separated States of Amerika and came back to NYC. Paul got me a job as a messenger after being recommended by Ken Terry, which started the Variety party. My Hawaiian shirts from Unique Clothing Warehouse (where I befriended Jean Michel Basquiat) were worn every day in those first few months as a Variety messenger. While Syd and his crew were drinking Dewars scotch whisky I was toking up with the production staff, usually on 47th under the theatre fire escape stairs.
I started a real estate column to forge my advertising career at the flying V, and flying I was. I quickly took over the music, cable and video ad accounts which really started the party going. With my NYC police press pass (I lived on 45th and 8th, the closest employee, so when the alarm went off I would meet the cops there) I got into every club in the world for free without waiting. Studio 54 was a few blocks away, and they were cool with my constant cannabis usage. Stars galore and idiots too, watching Trump snort coke with Bianca Jagger was a real laugh. Sniffles the president!
Coke was key to my advertising success and infamous Vegas parties. It didn’t thrill me like cannabis, but cocaine sure got me laid, and made me very popular at music, cable and especially video conventions. Execs of studios and all the press followed my bread trail to every Vegas hotel room I took. During my Video Oyster daze, I would get to Vegas a week early to publish my newest Pearls Magazine. Vegas isn’t the same anymore, I just hit a Cannabis convention there and was stunned. The strip turned to Times Square with walkways and Elmos.
Speaking of Cannabis, I’m launching a three-month NYC pot party April 28 – June 6.
If any muggs are in NYC come down to the old New Amsterdam section of the city for a VIP upgrade. I want to throw a Dewars party in honor of Syd. My new venture is bagsgab.com a collectible bag that is a pass to 40 daze and nights of events. To demo this concept I chose something I know something about, throwing a pot party.
Every day after work I would come back to my apartment on 8th Street and 5th Avenue to find a line of friends waiting for me. I threw a non- stop pot party on 8th Street for almost a decade, so a 40-day bash is nothing. I was going to have sponsored out events each night, but I think I’ll make it more of a NYC celebration.
Placing natural foods and snacks into downtown businesses that usually only deal with corporate crap is my protest against corporate foods. I’ll give bags out to smoke shops and dispensaries in exchange for promotional mentioned prizes, paraphernalia and things to sell at nightly bazaars. Each nite we take the funds made at the bazaar to buy legal weed to smoke with who ever shows up with their bagsgab bag.
I’m creating dozens of self-guided NYC history trails that lead to each night’s hidden party location. Organizing natural snack tastings at pit (pot) stops on each route, and providing woke protest signs to help generate psychedelic vaudeville and social media at some historic sites. Bagsters use cannabis to time travel back into NYC history and natural snacks, foods and products to time travel to their futures.
For bag #1, I’m releasing my eight years of Amsterdam High Times Cannabis Cup footage from the 1990’s. I gave the footage to Sebo from Elara Pictures (they did Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler), but he left the company after his super-model divorce. I think she’s dating Sat Night Live sensation Pete Davidson now.
To promote the 40 daze party, I’ve started selling rare promo records in near mint shape from WMMR in Philly. I’m using the profits on my buying trip to Hawaii the first week in 2023 to buy Hawaiian shirts for my pot party. The idea is to invade Wall Street dressed in themed Hawaiian attire as a sort of color war with the suits. Kinda of an uniform for the invading hordes of tokers.
It’s my 6th year of Caretoking, getting elderly patients stoned at their facilities. I love leaving usually miserable lonely people with a smile. This three-month pot party was created to attempt to get better weed for my elderly patients and friends.
April 2023 will also start off my 7th year of doing NYC street fairs with no prices. My priceless store will be back with tons of Hawaiian shirts, coats, long sleeve shirts, womens apparel and leftover records from my WMMR promos. My policy of taking Cash, Hash or Weed only will probably persist unless I get hi tech and take venmo next year.
Finally one of the five kids is getting married, and my oldest son graduates college. Cool stuff indeed! Twelve years with my love Sharon and happy as can be. Miss partying with old friends, but feeding the squirrels in the back yard makes me smile too. OK muggs, stay sane and safe.

Suffern, NY Dec. 27
Hello Variety Muggs,
I’m grateful to be able to write another Year End Wrap.
Thanks firstly to Peter and Ian for keeping Simesite alive, I know it is appreciated by all. January 2022 I ushered in the new year with a case of Covid, nearly all in my family got it at the same time. I had mild symptoms compared to others I heard about.
Spring and summer I was indulging by seeing movies in movie theatres, more frequently than before. Also saw five local plays and heard several local college concerts. It all felt very near normal. I’m still hiking on rail trails and the number of people doing so has increased dramatically.
The world scene is head-shaking, to say the least. With severe conditions including: volcanos, earthquakes and Arctic blasts! What’s next? ( Nothing, I hope.)
I fractured my left arm (humerous bone), was in a sling for six weeks. Followed the instructions and it’s back in business.
I was blessed with the birth of my third grandchild, a beautiful baby girl named Bailey who arrived in October.
I’m reading a new book by Mel Brooks entitled All About ME! My Remarkable Life in Show Business. Mel is 95 years old. Opening chapter recounts a time in Brooklyn in 1931 and Mel is five years old. His older brother takes him to the movie theatre to see Frankenstein. “A big mistake,” says Mel. The drama unfolds. Anyway, he writes very funny and has loads of good stories. Oh, on the back cover Mel reviews his own book, it says and I quote:’ Not since the Bible have I read anything so powerful and poignant. And to boot – it’s a lot funnier.” I’d say he’s a gem in the world of show business.
Very best wishes to everyone for a good New Year 2023.
That’s all, folks !
White Plains, NY Dec. 28
Greetings from the ‘burbs in Westchester County NY.
First, here’s an update on The Star of the Show! Marie is continuing to host her cable access TV show This Blooming City for White Plains Beautification Foundation. She’s in her eighth year of multi-hyphenating as on-air talent, writer, booker, and researcher. Marie is as busy as ever serving on several non-profit boards in our community.
Bob (Marich) continues to freelance for Variety and other business publications and is laying groundwork for the fourth edition of his academic/business book entitled Marketing to Moviegoers. First up was redesigning and modernizing his related website www.marketingmovies.net, which turned out to be very flashy on cell phones and other devices.
Also, Bob spotted a reproduction poster from a 1929 movie starring Marie’s grandmother Marie Saxon. The Mariches gave the poster reproduction for Broadway Hoofer to family members this Christmas.
Our son Nick won an award from New York State in recognition of his leadership and skill as a state certified screen printer at a corporate branding company. He was selected in a statewide competition and received his award in a ceremony that included state, county, and local dignitaries. Nick made a terrific acceptance speech, and we were very proud of him.
December 26th marked the 25th anniversary of the untimely death of Jan, Marie’s mother and the Silverman clan’s matriarch. How quickly time passes, yet how slowly it goes.
Thanks to Peter and Ian for continuing Simesite. We wish everyone a blessed New Year!
Robert and Marie Silverman Marich

New York, Dec.28
Hi, all,
Happy New Year! I find it hard to realize that it’s 2023 already, meaning I started at Variety 39 years ago!
The past year was an interesting if fast-moving one for me. I continue to live in Manhattan and work on the New York Post news desk a couple of days a week — on the print side, which is still rolling off the presses, surprisingly.
Since I work remotely (thank you, Slack), I was freed up to spend a couple of months on Fire Island and a few stretches in charming upstate Millbrook, NY, during the year. I did take the month of May off from work to travel to Italy and France. I was all set with my International Driving Permit and my CDC-issued COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, but no one asked to see either. Anywhere. Ha!
Speaking of COVID, I finally managed to contract it in April (after three vaccinations!) at a New York Post retirement party. We were all crammed together on the second floor of a Times Square Irish pub without masks — I think about 15 of the 50-odd people at the party came down with it afterward. I got through it relatively quickly thanks to Paxlovid, but had a fever and a bear of a sore throat for a few days. I’m hoping that was it for me, but since variants are still lurking around the city, I can’t be certain.
Thanks, Peter and Ian, for keeping Simesite going. I look forward to catching up with other “muggs”.
Sending my best to everyone.
Sayville, L. I., Dec. 28
Each year passes more quickly the older one gets. I turned 75 this year & my daughter did not let me forget it. Balan ladies, Judy Gaeta, Barbara Bacchi, Maryjane Howard, Lorrie Spadafina and Carol Borga have all been in touch this Christmas. Thank goodness for Facebook where Idie Levine shares her wonderful art work with me and Tom Gilbert & I get to exchange all the wonders of Fire Island and my beautiful hometown of Sayville. My husband & I are fortunate to live near our children & grandchildren and experience their special moments. Wishing everyone a new year filled with healthy days, new adventures and many smiles.

Los Angeles, Dec. 19
It won’t be a surprise to say that 2022 continued to be a challenging year for the planet: for me it was also a sad one. My wonderful husband, Walter Collins, died from lung cancer, a diagnosis no one expected since he never smoked, drank or ever ate a French fry in his life. (Cancer doesn’t care.) We were blessed to be in the care of UCLA Oncology, the best in the country, per all those surveys, and Walter benefited from several new treatments. (Treatments, not cures, alas). Even during all this, Walter encouraged me to keep writing, and doing my thing, and all that. So, just a month or so ago my fifth novel came out. The photo is of me at a recent book signing in Vicksburg, MS, which, some of you will know, is where I grew up. Back in Los Angeles, I still do a little freelancing, trying to keep up with the ever evolving—and much challenged—entertainment business in Hollywood. Streaming wars are fierce, showbiz stocks are taking a beating, and mergers (which never cease) are struggling with burdensome debt, resorting to mass layoffs, and suffering crimps to creativity. Netflix, Warner Bros Discovery and Disney are all at bargain-basement stock prices for those brave enough to jump in. Beyond all that, I’m crossing my fingers for a brighter, safer, less divisive, and more generous-spirited world in 2023. And auguring good things to all Variety stalwarts.

Los Angeles, Dec. 29
Dear All, 2022 was more sheltering in place from Covid, other than fossil hunting at the beach outfall of a deep underwater trench a short walk from home. Due to temporary changes in the ocean floor, for a while, it was possible to find prehistoric Indian jewelry, other artifacts, crystalized bones, even bits of stony brain, lung, complete bird eggs, and fossilized skin of creatures extinct millions of years ago.
My daughter, Marilyn Agnes Malak, is now four, her birthday two days after my own. Happy and cheerful, she’s delightful company who, so far, has escaped the “terrible any things.” Pam retired from teaching a couple of years ago, but I still work and have a pending matter in London. If it ripens will call on Ian, if able, but still a bit away.
My New Year’s Resolution is the same as it is every year, to behave. Looking at public life, however, it’s hard to find good examples. Thank goodness, Harry and Meghan are around 20 minutes up the highway, so we’re not left with Zilch to guide us.
It’s a real long shot, but if I ever need money, judging pays well, has unlimited leave, great benefits, and judicial seats get filled here by election, or appointment. Could see what I learned from Rogers & Cowan should an attractive slot present itself.
Otherwise, may look to international financing for newsy material after recent E.U. Court rulings, and wide-open Trump era loopholes on transfers of interests in overseas entities that were snuck into other legislation, largely, unnoticed. Headline: “TALIBAN WINS GOLD BUT DUCKS OSCARS,” could happen!

Dec. 29
Wrapped as Artistic Director of Edinburgh International Film Festival just before COVID descended on us. Since then have been acting a consultant to a few international film festivals; consulting on projects looking to access festivals; back reviewing; serving on a few juries as a member of FIPRESCI and co-producing a documentary titled Cannes Uncut, which delves into the behind-the-scenes of the Cannes Film Festival. In addition at that start of 2022 moved out of London and now living in a cliched thatched house near the south coast of the UK.
New Canaan, CT Dec.31
Thanks to Peter and Ian for continuing the Simesite tradition for all remaining muggs, as we get fewer and fewer with each passing year. I have not retired at 65 yet, and continue my daily toils at Merrill Lynch in Greenwich, CT. While we all endured the worst year in the markets since 2008 (my first year as a financial advisor), I will put that in perspective: the S&P low in March 2009 was 666, and closed 2022 at 3840, up 5.7X. So I guess I’m saying to take the long view, and be patient.
Pam and I still are consuming voluminous amounts of streaming series, and cherry pick feature films of note, but I think we’ve been out to the cinema once, maybe twice this year. It’s lamentable, maybe just inevitable, that post-Covid we have been trained to watch at home, as there’s gobs and gobs of content to choose from. I’d like to see Babylon on the big screen, and I think we’ll do that New Years Day, but most of the best picture nominations will be lucky to see the light of day in a real bijou.
Like pro sports in the U.S., I think the gold-laying goose is about to get shrunk: all these film companies that used to spend $2-3 billion a year on content before streaming are spending $10-14 billion, and they are not making 5X off their streaming content. So something has to give, and I don’t think they’ll all make it to the other side. That’s my opinion, and I hope I’m wrong.
I finally got to Scotland (my 4th visit) on my original trip planned in 2020, and I regret not going more frequently. The globe-trotting Variety correspondents from the 70s onwards had it good, as what’s not to like about being a bona fide tourist while screwing together a special section that floats your boat while thinking about your next destination?
Our eldest Carolyn is due to give Pam and me our 2nd granddaughter in March, my #2 Alexander is married and living in Boston, #3 Melanie is getting married 4th of July weekend to her longtime Colgate b.f., and youngest Olivia moved on to Bloomberg in October from the Wall St. Journal/Barron’s.
Pam and I hope to sneak off for some golf vacations in warmer climes as time allows, and find time to enjoy our family and continued good health. We’ll lift a glass tonight to all the muggs on New Year’s Eve, and I look forward to reading this year’s submissions.
All the best,
Elmwood Park, NJ Dec. 31
I’m sorry that I was unable to send a substantial report last year so I will try to do better below.
My most significant achievement for 2022 was probably that I received my first screen credit. I must confess that I did not make any prodigious effort to gain that distinction but it was welcome nonetheless.
The credit was for Marilyn Moss’ documentary The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh about the celebrated film director. I got to know Marilyn while I was working on my book on director Allan Dwan and Marilyn was writing her book on Walsh. There was some overlap in our projects since Dwan and Walsh were good friends and we swapped information about our respective subjects.
Marilyn later decided that she wanted to make a documentary on Walsh and when she worked on raising money for the project I made a modest contribution. I also offered some comments and corrections when she showed me a rough cut of the film and extended my encouragement. I found her film both very entertaining and informative and it premiered on the TCM network this year. It will be getting more broadcasts over the next few years and the documentary is also available as an extra on the Criterion video of Walsh’s High Sierra.
My name appeared along with about twenty or thirty other monikers under the heading of something like “Thanks to…” On first viewing I didn’t notice that my name was there but then a friend called me and told me that he saw me listed in the credits.
2022 was also the year I completed my short story An Italian Tour. When I finished my Allan Dwan book my publisher expressed interest in letting me write another film director biography but I declined as I then had my hands full with a number of personal issues. I am now more inclined to try my hand at fiction.
The pandemic has apparently spawned a lot of aspiring writers who found something to do at home. One publication I submitted my story to apologized for a delay in response as they said they had received 5,000 submissions. So the competition is pretty steep.
Some publications did not respond at all or just responded with “Dear Writer” form letters. I did draw some gratification from one more personal response:
“Dear Frederic Lombardi,
Thank you for letting us consider An Italian Tour for publication in the Missouri Review. We enjoyed reading it, and though it doesn’t quite fit our needs at this time, we wish you excellent luck with it and hope we will have the chance to read more of your writing in the future.”
Another publication kept my story under consideration for three months after reading it but declined to use it just a few weeks before they were to go to press with their next anthology. (If you use something called the “Submittable” porthole you can actually track when the editors have read your work.)
The bottom line is that I did not get the story published in this go-around though some editors did keep it under consideration for a fair amount of time. I hope to submit it for consideration with other publications in 2023. I’m also adding a few paragraphs that I had previously cut for reasons of space. These graphs give the story more of an edginess that might help push it across the finish line.
I have other ideas for fiction that I am working on but I found another path after I sent my friend Marilyn an e-mail about a very strange dream I had. Marilyn, who for a time taught creative writing, told me that my dream was a great idea for a story. At first, I didn’t take that seriously but when I really started to think about it I saw some very intriguing possibilities. So I have begun work on it. Since the dream involved someone who really existed I’ve been doing a good amount of research about this figure. So the story will have some realistic detail even if it’s far-out in other respects. The story has some strong dramatic aspects that could draw in an audience while the form of the story is a bit experimental.
I’ve decided to write the story as a screenplay which seems to me the form that fits it best. I know that selling a screenplay is a hard sell but at this stage of the game I don’t feel that I have anything to lose. And I can always change it to a different fiction form if that doesn’t work out.
Recently, I received a phone call from a young lady representing my college alma mater for the annual task of requesting contributions. In the course of exchanging pleasantries, she asked me what I was doing and I told her that I was working on a story based on a dream I had. This seemed to really excite her. (It’s gratifying to know that I can excite a young woman even for purely intellectual reasons.) She found the idea really inspirational and thought she could apply it to her own situation. So perhaps this is an omen that I have already done some good in embarking on this project.
There is also an argument that it’s good to follow your dreams even when it means literally following one of your dreams.
Best to all my fellow Variety alumni (muggs).
Take care,
Madrid, Dec. 31
The year 2022 passed by like a whiz with nothing memorable occurring in my life; just getting longer in the tooth. No travelling. Just writing, reading, and listening to classical music in my Ivory Tower apartment and taking walks in the Retiro Park.
Spent most of this year and the last working on my new book, Stagecoach to Madrid, a historical tome chronicling what it was like for a host of foreigners to travel through Spain in mid- 19th century in a mule-drawn diligence, stopping off in primitive roadside inns and ingesting meals soaked in rancid oil and garlic.
The book should be out, via my local Spanish publisher, in both English and Spanish editions, sometime in the spring, featuring 30 period illustrations.
As for my diminutive family, I see my son Mark about once a week. He does organized tours of Madrid, works occasionally on local film shoots and has been teaching film courses for a local university. My delightful, bright granddaughter, Alex, a Junior at the American School of Madrid, will next year be applying for admission to an engineering college.
Warmest regards to the dwindling number of muggs out there!
Madrid, Dec. 31
Sorry for being late with this and thanks to Ian and Peter for keeping this yearly mugg update service going.
2023 was a bit of a rough go healthwise: Dental issues requiring bone grafts and implants to resolve, but fortunately successful and over with now; and an ongoing shoulder issue, which after a year of trying various alternatives to surgery to resolve with no success is now down to a complete shoulder replacement procedure, scheduled for later this month. Ah, well.
All that aside, things are otherwise going well for me and Barbara.
Best wishes to all for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2023!
Sydney, Jan. 2
Dear Peter and Ian,
Many thanks for keeping the spirit of Simesite alive with the annual circular, despite the sadly dwindling number of muggs.
The undoubted highlight of my year was the arrival on April 6 of my first grandson, Banjo Oscar Stafford. My daughter Tilda and her partner are both paramedics.
Jenny and I went to the hospital soon after he was born and instantly fell in love. I babysit the little man for one or two days a week to give Tilda a break.

As I’m fully retired, apart from spending quality time with Banjo, I enjoy reading crime novels (Michael Connelly and Aussies Michael Robotham, Jane Harper and Chris Hammer are among my favourite authors), bike-riding with Jenny and a couple of mates, and watching shows on Netflix, Stan, Foxtel and other streamers.
My cinemagoing has been reduced firstly because exhibitors slap “no free tickets” on nearly every title, including the duds and those on limited sessions, which means I can’t use my Cinema Pioneers Card; and also because I hate the Marvel/DC Comics superhero movies.
Among the films I’ve enjoyed recently are Babylon, The Banshees of Inisherin, The Fabelmans and Netflix’s The Stranger and The Wonder and Apple TV’s Causeway.
My daughter Claudie will graduate with a degree in youth work from RMIT Melbourne in October and will soon embark on two placements.
All the best to the muggs for Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Atlanta, Jan. 10, 2023

So glad there’s still a place where I can go and catch up with my old Variety friends.
When I got my first job at Variety in ’83, it never occurred to me it would last 25 years. After so long at the same position, I felt like a hamster in a wheel, so I started looking. With each new job offer came another relocation. My family was very understanding and up for the adventures and moves. In the next few decades, I ended up taking jobs as Creative Director of Cabela’s, and Photography Director of Amazon, and Home Depot. The last one landed me just south of Atlanta. In 2020, I was a bit burnt out and I really wanted to dedicate more time to producing fine art in my home studio. I also have been a life long fly-fisherman and wanted more time outdoors. So I took the plunge.
At first I enjoyed the endless free time and travel. After two years it felt a bit out of balance, and I longed for some structure again. So I took a job with the “Porsche Experience” (NA headquarters and race track). I learned a ton about cars and racing. I also enjoyed my “free” race time on the track and simulator. As much as I enjoyed it, it was full time and it cut into our travel plans. So I quit. After a few months of relaxation and my 23rd fishing trip to Alaska, I was ready to look again for a fun job. This time I took a position as a docent at the Georgia Aquarium. It was perfect because it involved fish, and it was part time. I really enjoyed all the training and it was really fun working with the public, giving behind-the-scenes tours.
So that’s about it. My wife and I are still in Atlanta and enjoy our travels and time with our two grown daughters. I continue to spend time on my hobbies, while looking for more fun jobs or volunteer work.
I was sad to hear about the passing of Syd. I never got to thank him for giving a young, unpolished, upstart a chance. It really made a difference in my life. Also a special shout out to Mort Bryer who always was a prince of a guy to me! Oh jeez, this is starting to sound like an Oscar speech… I’ll stop now.